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SMART Assessments

AI system for holistic adaptive learning

At a Glance:

  • System uses prediction models to correlate placement exams results with student performance

  • Structured on the mastery model that motivates students to “level up” their understanding of subject matter

  • Enables faculty to focus on teaching while SMART Assessments track student comprehension

  • Will ultimately integrate placement exams, quizzes, tests and homework to create a holistic view of the student that crosses disciplinary lines

Assessments are the daily bread of every college student’s life. Placement exams represent their first foray into the world of higher education, and homework, tests, and quizzes are the mile markers of their ongoing journey. Not only do these assessments define a student’s progress through their educational career, but they also generate reams of data about their particular strengths and weaknesses as learners. Currently, however, much if not all of this data lies fallow as it is decentralized, siloed, and is not viewed in relation to information about other students. 


To capitalize on the power of this data to improve student performance and outcomes, CIRC is creating a suite of student mastery and retention technologies known collectively as SMART Assessments. These tools utilize artificial intelligence to draw connections among various disparate data sets, revealing important links between assessment results and personal learning styles. The goal is to create a web of customized design exams, tests, quizzes and homework that adapt to an individual student’s particular learning profile and help them achieve subject matter mastery. 


Starting with placement exams, SMART Assessments will utilize prediction algorithms to begin personalized education and interventions for future students before the first day of class. By looking for correlations among disciplines, the system will be able to design a program for student success based on a holistic view of the individual’s learning profile. Similarly, homework assignments and quizzes are tailored to address areas where a student needs reinforcement, with the ultimate goal of creating an integrated, comprehensive adaptive learning system.  

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